
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, Vols. I–VI: Psalms 1–150 is unavailable, but you can change that!

In his Expositions on the Book of Psalms, Augustine of Hippo provides a vivid and compelling exploration of the Psalms, with the beautiful humanity that characterizes his work. This six volume collection was translated by E. B. Pusey, H. Walford, and Charles Marriott, and it provides notes throughout each volume.

whatsoever was to be in our times, which now we read of and see: and much we rejoice, that our Hope hath been foretold by holy men, who saw not that thing fulfilled, but in the Spirit saw it as future: and we now read, and hear from readers, we discourse of those things; and as they are in the Scriptures, so we see them now fulfilled throughout the whole world. For this who would not rejoice? Who would not hope for those things to come which not yet have come, because of those things which being
Volume 3, Page 213